Friday, 24 August 2007

Day 11/100

So I'm almost two weeks in and I have to admit that it's got pretty testing over the last few days. I'm not really that hungry, it's more the idea of food that I can't stop fantasising about.

I'm back at work this week which is quite a good thing as it's given me some structure and helps keep my mind off food. The difficulty is that there are cakes and chocolate piled around the office all the time. Although, I 'came out' to people at work this week about what I'm doing and they've all been really supportive. Just really interested in knowing what the diet is and how it works. When I told them what I'd lost in the first week they were really happy for me and said how well I was doing. I wasn't going to tell people in the office to begin with but I thought it might be safer if I did, meaning that I won't be able to cheat!!!

The last couple of days have been quite hard though. Particularly last night as I went to the pub with Sal, Nat and Sabrina for a few drinks after work. I had water while they had cocktails (sigh) and beer, which didn't bother me as I wasn't that fussed about the alcohol. When it came to dinner though, that was a different story. As they tucked into chips and pizza I felt absolutely miserable. The smell was so delicious it was all I could do to stop myself stealing chips from their plates. Sal had a fish finger sandwich with hers and, even though I would never normally look twice at something like that let alone actually order it, I still thought it was the most appetising thing I have ever seen. I think it's just the abstinence - it makes any food look attractive!

Anywho, I resisted and was exceptionally proud of myself. On the way home I also managed to avoid 'accidentally' ending up at McD's (yes, it really is my failing). Still I felt pretty miserable when I got in and again this morning. I get pre-occupied thinking about how unfair it is that I have to go though this deprivation while other people are naturally skinny and can just eat what they want. I guess the point is that I've overeaten nearly all my life so I'm just evening things out. I feel a bit more positive now as I'm trying to put things in perspective. We'll see how long that lasts when I am confronted by a family roast dinner tonight (oh dear).


Anonymous said...

Oh I know that 'accidental' McDonalds late night snack so well! Usually preceded by copious amounts of beer for me, so well done you for not succumbing - shows that the willpower really is doing its job!

Its so difficult to stand firm when everyone around you is indulging, but just keep focused on your goal, it is so worth it when one day you go out with your friends and think 'Look at us the skinny malinks!' Never again having to compare and come off worst, thats one of my main goals.

Amanda said...

Well done on not straying while all around you others are eating. It will be worth it in the end.

Keep it up.

Amanda x