Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Day 1/100

So I made it to the end of the first day. Hurrah! That might not sound like much of an achievement (it's only one day out of 100 after all), but it's the first step. I have to say I haven't really felt hungry at all today. I think that might be because I normally get up quite late in the day so I don't eat until later on. It also probably means I haven't hit my 'trigger' time yet as I tend to find that it's when I stay up late into the night (i.e. between 1am - 3am) that I eat (I've got the week off work by the way just in case you think I sleep my work days away).

Anyway, about the foodpacks. I think the shakes aren't too bad (I tried banana and chocolate today) but I have to say, on first impressions, I am not a big fan of the soups. I think the chicken was ok but the vegetable one did not go down well. I guess you have to try them all at least once otherwise you will never know, right???

I did manage to get all 4 litres of water down though. I have to admit that I spent a lot of the day in the bathroom. Great if you're at home but I can imagine that won't be so convenient once I'm back at work next week.

I haven't really had any cravings so far, I did have a very minor headache for a bit but that went once I drank some more water. All in all, not bad for the first day. We'll see how tomorrow goes!


Amanda said...

Well done on completing your first day and keep up with the water, it really does help.

Definitely try all the flavours as you'll find out which ones you do and don't like, but also through the 100 days your tastes change.

Keep up the good work.

Amanda x

Lesley said...

Well done on your first day. it feels good to get that one out of the way doesn't it? I was really ill when I started (a nasty cold just happened to hit me right at the start) so had a terrible first week 10 days but I think feeling so miserable distracted me from the actual diet! Whatever works eh?

Don't worry you stop needing to wee all the time after a little while - your body just learns to regulate somehow and you go back to near normal!

Keep it up!

Lesley x